English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling.
An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.
The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.
The new curriculum will give students more time to focus on key learning areas so that they can acquire a deeper understanding of central concepts. It will ensure students develop strong foundations for learning, life and work in a complex and fast-changing world.
What is an overview of new English and Mathematics K–2 syllabuses?
The new syllabuses emphasise key concepts, identify essential knowledge and skills, and include new outcomes to clearly show what is essential. They remove ambiguity for all users.
• Clearer. Clear and concise language in the outcomes and content help you to understand the learning expectations for building foundational skills in English and Mathematics.
• Easy to navigate. The new Digital Curriculum means the syllabuses will be easier to access and navigate, so users can find information more efficiently.
• Accessible. Access content points are provided to indicate content that students with significant intellectual disability may access.
• Samples and resources. Teaching samples and examples are easy to find and use. Teaching advice is a supporting guide that was refined through engagement and consultation activities with teachers.
What are details on English K–2?
• English K–2 shows essential learning as outlined in the research for building foundations in reading and writing. Content is structured to highlight connections across oral language, reading and writing.
What are details on Mathematics K–2?
• The new Mathematics syllabus clearly shows essential learning and supports students to make connections across concepts as outlined in the research for building foundations in Mathematics.
• There is a focus on developing reasoning skills to support a deeper understanding. Content is structured to highlight connections across Number and Algebra, Measurement and Space, and Statistics and Probability.
What does the reform mean in the middle years (Years 2–10) of children’s schooling?
• In the middle years of school, priority will be given to providing every student with challenging learning material appropriate to their current level of knowledge and skills.
• The draft 3- 6 syllabuses for English and Mathematics (Stage 2: Years 3 and 4) (Stage 3: Years 5 and 6) will be implemented in 2024.
Where can I access the digital curriculum?
Information on Early Stage 1 to Stage 3 Primary (K–6) can be found at: https://curriculum.nsw.edu.au/stages/primary
Further information and additional learning advice can be sought from contacting your child’s 2023 teacher. We aim to strengthen a positive partnership to support and encourage your child’s learning journey. Students and staff at Woolgoolga Public School are well supported to effectively implement the changes with the Curriculum Reform. Teaching and learning and planning support from our dedicated teaching staff, is also provided by our fulltime Assistant Principal Curriculum Instruction, Ms Narelle Kelly.